City of Birmingham Championship Dog Show

The Junior Warrant is an award which a dog can achieve through winning certain awards at open and championship shows, when the dog is between 6 and 18 months of age. A Junior Warrant enables your dog to gain a stud book number. Once achieved, you may enter your dog with the title JW after the name of the dog on show entries and in catalogues.

Complete the Junior Warrant online form.

Eligibility Criteria

  • A dog must gain 25 points whilst it was between the ages of 6 and 18 months
  • An application for a Junior Warrant should be made by the dog’s registered owner at the time of qualification
  • An application will be considered up to six months after the date of qualification
  • A minimum of 3 points must be won at championship shows where Challenge Certificates are on offer for the breed
  • A minimum of 7 points must be won at open shows or championship shows where Challenge Certificates are not on offer for the breed
  • Only 1 point may be claimed from any one open show or a championship show where Challenge Certificates are not on offer for the breed
  • Junior Warrant holders will be awarded a Kennel Club stud book number
  • The title ‘JW’ may be used after the name of the dog on show entries and in catalogues

Breeds scheduled where Challenge Certificates are not on offer

Only one Junior Warrant point may be claimed from classes or for awards where Challenge Certificates are not on offer for the breed, provided two or more dogs of the breed were present.

Available points:

  • 1 point for a 1st prize awarded in a breed class where Challenge Certificates are not on offer, provided two dogs are present
  • 1 point awarded for best of breed where Challenge Certificates are not on offer (only valid if no Junior Warrant point was gained by the dog winning a breed class at the show)
  • 1 point for Best Puppy in Breed where Challenge Certificates are not on offer (only valid if the puppy has beaten one other puppy of either sex and if no Junior Warrant point was gained by the dog winning a breed class at the show)

Any variety not separately classified

One Junior Warrant point may be claimed from AVNSC classes or awards provided two or more dogs were present in AVNSC.

Available points:

  • 1 point for a 1st prize awarded in an any variety not separately classified class
  • 1 point awarded for best any variety not separately classified (only valid if no Junior Warrant point was gained by the dog winning an any variety not separately classified class at the show)
  • 1 point for Best AVNSC Puppy (only valid if the puppy has beaten one other puppy of any sex and if no Junior Warrant point was gained by the dog winning an any variety not separately classified class at the show)


Exhibitors may count a dog as having been present in a class, provided it was entered in that class and was present in its first class at the show.

Best of Breed/Best AVNSC and Best Puppy in Breed/AVNSC – only one claim can be made where a dog has been declared both Best Puppy in Breed/AVNSC and Best of Breed/AVNSC.

Open show – scale of points

Breed classes

Junior Warrant points cannot be claimed from classes or for awards at open shows scheduling the breed with less than two dogs of the breed present. Junior Warrant points are only valid if the dog has beaten one other dog in the breed.

Available points:

  • 1 point for a 1st prize awarded in a breed class
  • 1 point awarded for best of breed (only valid if no Junior Warrant points are gained by the dog winning a breed class at the show)
  • 1 point for Best Puppy in Breed (only valid if the puppy has beaten one other puppy of either sex)

Any variety not separately classified classes/any variety classes

Junior Warrant points cannot be claimed from AVNSC or AV classes or for awards with less than two dogs present. Junior Warrant points are only valid if the dog has beaten one other dog in AVNSC/AV.

Available points:

  • 1 point for a 1st prize awarded in an any variety not separately classified class
  • 1 point awarded for best any variety not separately classified (only valid if no Junior Warrant points are gained by the dog winning an any variety not separately classified class at the show)
  • 1 point for best AVNSC Puppy (only valid if the puppy has beaten one other puppy of any sex)
  • 1 point for a 1st prize awarded in an any variety class


Exhibitors may count a dog as having been present in a class provided it was entered in that class and was present in its first class at the show.

Best of Breed/Best AVNSC and Best Puppy in Breed/AVNSC – only one claim can be made where a dog has been declared both Best Puppy in Breed/AVNSC and Best of Breed/AVNSC.

Only one point may be claimed from any one open show.

City of Birmingham Champ Show