Change of Judges

Judge Changes
Dobermann will now be judged by Mrs Irene Rushfirth

Dachshunds (Min W/H) will be judged by Mr Derek Smith

Dachshunds (W/H) will be judged by Mr Julien Barney

Cirneco Dell’Etna will be judged by Mr Wendell Moore
Hamiltonstovare will be judged by Mr Wendell Moore
Australian Terrier will now be judged by Mr Peter Young
Irish Terrier will now be judged by Dr Ian Gabriel
Hungarian Wire Haired Vizsla’s will be judged by Mr Julien Barney
Deerhounds will now be judged by Miss Mary Girling
Whippet Bitches will now be judged by Mrs J Fiers(STKCA)
Lakeland Terriers will be judged by Mrs J Peak
Sealyham Terriers will now be judged by Mrs S Connell
Welsh Terriers will now be judged by Ms M Sargent
Finnish Lapphund will now be judged by Mrs S Atkinson (STKCA)

Chihuahua (Smooth Coat) now has CC’s and Limit Dog and Limit Bitch classes